I have extensive experience writing on a range of nutrition, fitness and wellness topics for a variety of audiences including professional articles and recipe development in digital and print formats. Below are samples of my recent work.
Eat to Support Your Immune System
With seasonal viruses on the rise, learn which nutrients support a healthy immune system and foods to easily include in your diet this winter to optimize your immunity. A version of this article was originally published in Atlanta Track Club’s digital magazine, Wingfoot, in November 2023.
6 Foods to ADD to Your Diet: What, Why & How
While traditional approaches to nutrition often focus on what to restrict, this article explores easy and practical ways to optimize health and performance by adding nutrient-rich foods to your diet. Originally created for Atlanta Track Club’s digital magazine, Wingfoot, in March 2023.
Fuel Up For Fall
Fueling well goes beyond your three square meals. Check out these 7 snack ideas, featuring seasonal produce and convenient options for the whole family. A version of this article originally appeared in the August/September 2022 edition of Atlanta Track Club member magazine.
Seasonal Sides For Your Summer BBQ
If you’re planning to grill out this 4th of July weekend, check out these 3 plant-forward recipes featuring seasonal summer produce perfect for pairing with traditional BBQ fare.
Celebrate A World Of Flavors
Nutritious, delicious foods can be found in a variety of global cuisines. This article, a version of which originally appeared in the March/April 2022 edition of Atlanta Track Club Wingfoot magazine, highlights traditional eating patterns from around the world, focusing on the health and performance benefits for runners and athletes.
Nutrition for a Healthy Heart
In honor of February being American Heart Health month, I am sharing my top nutrition tips for optimizing heart health plus a sample day of heart-healthy eating that includes 5 easy, tasty recipes. A version of this article originally appeared in the February 2022 edition of Atlanta Track Club Wingfoot magazine.
Ditch the Diet, Embrace Healthy Habits
With a new year often comes a renewed focus on health and nutrition. Despite what the latest fad diet or supplement company would have you think, there is no magic bullet. Instead of setting overly ambitious, and ultimately unrealistic, resolutions, commit to building healthy, sustainable habits. In this article, originally published in the January 2022 edition of Atlanta Track Club Wingfoot magazine, I share 3 nutrition changes to optimize, and sustain, your health and athletic performance.
Fall Produce Spotlight: Health Benefits & Ways to Enjoy
The start of fall means the end of summer produce favorites, such as tomatoes and peaches. But there are plenty of delicious and nutritious fruits and vegetables in season now. This article, originally published in the October 2021 edition of Atlanta Track Club’s member magazine, Wingfoot, covers the health benefits of fall produce and ways to enjoy them, and features 4 simple, seasonal recipes.
Fueling 101: What to Eat Before & After Exercise
Whether you’re training for an endurance event or lifting weights in the gym, nutrition plays a vital role in reaching your fitness goals. This article, originally created for Midtown Trainers blog, covers what to eat before and after exercise to optimize energy, performance and recovery.
Step Up Your Snack Game
Harness the power of snacks to optimize your energy levels, performance and recovery. This article explains what nutrients to include in an optimal pre-workout, post-workout or between-meal snack, along with simple food ideas and 3 original recipes. A version of this article originally appeared in Atlanta Track Club’s member magazine, Wingfoot, and on their microsite, The Distance.
Top 5 Foods for Master’s Athletes
Our food choices play a pivotal role in our health and performance as we age. In this article, originally published in the March 2021 issue of Atlanta Track Club’s member magazine, Wingfoot (pg 23-24) I share 5 nutritious foods to fuel master’s athletes, why they are so beneficial from a nutrition standpoint, and easy ways to enjoy them.
Comfort Fuel For Winter Running
Getting out during the winter can be challenging for even the most dedicated runners. But your food choices can help make cold weather running more enjoyable! Nutrition also plays a role in supporting immune health and reducing inflammation, which is especially important this time of year. In this article originally published in the January 2021 edition of Atlanta Track Club’s Wingfoot magazine (pages 21-22) I share tips and recipes for comforting, nourishing foods to fuel your cold winter runs.
Treat Yourself To These Halloween Candy Tricks
Halloween candy to fuel your next long run? Yes, please! In this article, originally created for the Atlanta Track Club, published both online and in the October 2020 edition of their member magazine, Wingfoot (page 28) I share surprising nutrition benefits of your favorite seasonal treats, and how to incorporate them into your diet to optimize your training and energize your day.
Produce 101: Frozen, Canned, Dried Or Fresh?
We often hear "fresh is best" when it comes to fruits and vegetables, but during the Covid-19 epidemic many of us, with good reason, stocked up on longer lasting versions of produce such as frozen, canned and dried. In this article, originally published in the July 2020 edition of Atlanta Track Club’s magazine, Wingfoot (pages 26-27) I explore why it is beneficial for runners and walkers to incorporate various forms of produce into their diets year round.
Many Reasons to Enjoy the Season
Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet – no matter what form they are consumed. But eating locally grown, fresh produce in season offers additional benefits. In this article, originally published in the August 2020 edition of Atlanta Track Club’s member magazine, Wingfoot (page 22-23) I explore the wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables available in Georgia during the summer months, highlight their nutritional benefits, and share ideas for preparing and enjoying them.
Professional Writing
Exercise & Weight Loss: How RDNs Can Best Support Clients (Part 1)
Weight Management Matters. Spring 2018. Pg. 9-11.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) can help clients successfully incorporate exercise into their weight loss plan while working within their scope of practice by developing a realistic, tailored approach and ensuring they have a solid nutrition plan to back it up.
Weight Management Matters is the quarterly publication of the Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group (DPG) of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (AND)
Exercise & Weight Loss: How RDNs Can Best Support Clients (Part 2)
Weight Management Matters. Fall 2018. Pg. 10-11.
Physical activity and nutrition go hand-in-hand for successful weight management. Registered dietitians can and should address both sides of the equation with clients by connecting them with evidence-based exercise resources, developing practical strategies for incorporating fitness into their lifestyle, and designing an eating plan that optimizes their workouts while promoting weight loss.
Weight Management Matters is the quarterly publication of the Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group (DPG) of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (AND)
Long-Distance Race Training & Weight Loss: Why It Doesn’t Always Work and How RDNs Can Help
Weight Management Matters. Summer 2016. Pg. 4-6.
Many people take up long distance running to lose weight, but training for long distance events often does not result in weight loss due to a variety of psychological and physiological factors. With a carefully planned diet that balances energy needs, proper fueling for training, and strategies to maintain lean body mass, RDNs can help clients successfully train for long distance running events and achieve weight loss goals.
Weight Management Matters is the quarterly publication of the Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group (DPG) of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (AND)